June 2014 • ISO Quality Services Limited

30 Jun, 2014

Question: Do you already hold ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management system? Are you considering a second standard? Well… The ISO 9001:2008 is at the core of most ISO standards, which makes it the perfect base when looking to add other ISO management standards to your business.  Two of the standards that fit in well to that…

17 Jun, 2014

Amongst other ISO management systems, we run to the ISO 14001:2004 Environmental management system to ensure that we are efficient in every environmental area possible. Whilst we run our own system, we provide implementation, consultancy, training and full auditing services to other companies to ensure they implement the Environmental management system to the highest standard. With societies focus on global warming…

17 Jun, 2014

FEXCO are headquartered in Ireland with offices in London and Edinburgh, with a team of Foreign Exchange specialists across the UK. Establised in 1981 as the Foreign Exchange Company of Ireland they currently employ over 1,720 people worldwide. Fexco is the originator of Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) and brought the concept to market in 1996….

11 Jun, 2014

ISO Quality Services has held another Risk Assessment training Course with great success! The delegates were put through their paces identifying certain risks and knowing how to define health and safety law. The course covers the below topics: Concepts of risk and hazard. Concepts of a safe work environment. Hazard identification and differentiation between hazard…

11 Jun, 2014

     We wore it Red for the British Heart Foundation! Here at ISO Quality Services Limited we like to do our bit for Charity and on Monday 9th June 2014 we got out our red clothes for the British Heart Foundation. One of our local clients Steve Johnson from Stepway Building Services Ltd is cycling…

6 Jun, 2014

There is a new quick win in the battle for energy saving and carbon reduction targets – Hydromx®      Hydromx® is a new Energy Saving Solution for use in Heating and/or Cooling systems to make them more efficient.  Hydromx uses Nano Thermo Technology to transfer heat 37% better than water!  Implementation is achieved simply by…
